I promised a post on my research for my double-paged spread and here it is!!
So, after some much needed exploring and reading (as well as searching), I found my much needed inspiration/model/format/holy grail. Because of Mrs.Stoklosa's recommendation, I have ultimately found my holy grail, it is a quirky little column that the New York Time's fashion section does called
Life as a Runway, and I am in love (I have reached Nirvana).

Life as a Runway's writer; John Ortved, takes people off of the streets, in certain locations or events (such as the MOMA) with unique style or outfit choices and asks these street fashionistas questions on their choice of attire as well as takes a candid picture of the individual. It is exactly what I want to do for my double-paged spread, I also really like the format (formatting is my biggest feat with this spread) and I am modeling my spread after this column, with a few tweaks for it to meet my vision. What I like about Life as a Runway's format is how it is basically a conversation transferred onto print, Ortved flawlessly captures a nice little conversation that he has with the individual he chooses, asking them about certain pieces of their attire that stands out, by having this free flowing conversation the reader is also able to experience the individuals personality as well (which I also want to focus on). This format proves to be extremely successful and highly entertaining, but since I have to also elaborate on my experience photographing and interviewing strangers I plan to keep the conversation a little longer and go into topics such as the definition of fashion or true beauty ( I want to get more juice out of the individual). That's where my spread would model after
Humans of New York, I want to encompass that journalistic storytelling aspect that Brandon Stanton (the author and creator of Humans of New York) is able to encompass.
Back to the research...
"Humansofnewyork." Humans of New York. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
Ortved, John. "Spring Fever Hits Bryant Park." The New York Times. The New York Times, 13 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
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